A month in Barcelona

In this post I will talk about my first month int Barcelona. Being away from you friends and family is not easy and in this post I will cover the highs and the lows of this situation. I can assure you that in the end, it is definitely worth it.

I have been in Barcelona now for over a month and I still am very exited every day to be here. Honestly I get bored quite fast when I am at one place, I love traveling but Barcelona offers so many great things which makes it the opposite of boring. Everywhere where you walk there is something nice to see or nice to do.

Beautiful day

The people here are very nice and friendly but it can't be compared to your friends and family at home. Personally this is the only thing that is negative about going abroad for a longer time. Although it is though, you shouldn't be worried, in the age that we are living now, it is very easy to stay in contact with your loved ones. It is very easy with things such as Facetime, Skype, Whatsapp and more. Every Skype call that I had gave me an amazing feeling and after talking to friends or family I felt great and it was also some sort of motivation to just go on with everything because you know that your loved ones will be there at the end of this amazing experience.

If you really miss your friends and you don't know what to do, I recommend to just go out and explore the city. It will clear your mind and you will have some great experiences. What I like to do is just go to the beach, enjoy the sounds of the waves and enjoy the moment. Besides this you will have some great things to share with your family and friends after this.

Day at the beach

The internship itself is great! I met a lot of nice people already, the colleagues are very nice and the working hours are flexible which gives me some room to gain experience but also enjoy the city! I can really recommend to have a look a Dpointgroup which is the company where I am doing my internship! It really provides you some great opportunities.Who doesn't want to travel, meet a lot of people, gain some great working experience and just enjoy a beautiful city?

To close this post of, I want to say that you are not the only one who sometimes has a bad day. There are more people like you and if you just enjoy and try not to worry to much, everything will be fine! In the end you look back and you only remember the amazing experiences that you had, try to cherish those!

Thanks for reading!




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